The Secret Society - Hidden Mystery Wiki

"I accidently posted this on another board! :o( I read it this morning and thought I would pass it along to ponder.

Offence is a choice! We all choose whether we will take offence to something or not. Therefore if we are offended, we should not BLAME others for the offence but rather review our own attitudes as to why we are offended and then consider what to do about the attitudes we have. If we choose to entertain the offence that is our perogative...not anything others can control. Hence when people choose to get offended, there's nothing you can do to stop it... it is something they and only they control. Offence is a choice."

I totally love this statement. It applies to so much of what happens in our daily lives. As a animal rescuer I see inhumanity sometimes that I cannot help but take offense to. For those things that are so egregious to a humane society we have to speak up. We have to take offense and speak out for those who have no voice. Our elderly, children, animals, and disabled. And to that end I must speak up for a member of our community who has a disability and was severely used and abused by some members here. Most occurred off the wiki in emails so it is hidden. It was GASLIGHTING!!!! But I find what happened to her so dispicible that I say to those who participated - be gone- you are POS. To those who were aware of what happened and said nothing -you are just as bad to have not spoken up and who continue to befriend them thus sanctioning what they did.🐾🐾🐾🐾
