The Secret Society - Hidden Mystery Wiki
Gifting 2019 Friend wish list

Send a gift from the friend's wish list

To help your friends you may send Combining Element (CE) gifts, Special Item gifts, and Collection Item (CI) gifts.  Combining Elements and Special Items are together called "Free Gifts".  Free gifts never come out of your own inventory.  Collection Items always do come out of your inventory.  Friends may put any Combining Element and most Collection Items on their Wish Lists.  They cannot put Special Items on their Wish list. (Fireflies, Ladybug, Carrot, Cupid’s arrow, or Token)

You may choose to gift an item from their wish list, or you may choose another gift.

The Chinese Festivities Update (version 1.37.3700) in late January 2019 introduced G5 Friends™ to The Secret Society® - Hidden Mystery ("SSHM").  This is a new-to-SSHM Friends interface.  The methods of gifting and some of the "rules" were changed. 

G5 Friends also added a Request feature for Collection Items which is covered in the Wishlists article. 

Gifting Limits[]

"Free Gifts" include all Combining Elements (CE) and the five permanent Special Items.  Free gifts do not come out of your own inventory; they are Free for you to send.

For each friend, in any 24-hour period, you may send one Free gift and 10 Collection Items (CI).  For Free gifts, after 24 hours has passed, you may send another.  The 24-hour period is based on your own schedule.

After you have sent 50 Collection Items in a 24 hour period, you will not be able to send more via the Gifting system.  You can send items that were Requested.

You may send one Free Gift to each friend.  You are no longer limited to 50 gifts (50 friends).

Combining Elements and Special Items become available to send as you increase in level.  The table in the List of Free Gifts section of this page lists all Combining Elements and Special Items and the level needed to send them.  (Caution:  You may choose to spend crystals to purchase a particular element.  If you do this, you will NOT unlock all "cheaper" elements.)

As of late April, 2021, the Incoming Gift Box is limited to 100 gifts.  (This was increased from 50, which was the limit since G5 Friends started.) It is a good idea to clear your own gift box often to try to keep it open.  Also, changing your own wish list will show as an event on your friends' News Feeds, so they will see how recently you were playing.

Thank You Gifts[]

You will receive a Thank You gift for each Collection Item (CI), if the recipient sends a Thank You gift.  They cannot send a Thank You gift for a Combining Element.  

Thank You gifts may be any Combining Element, or one of the five permanent Special Items.  (Fireflies, Ladybug, Carrot, Cupid's arrow, Token)

If a friend sends you a Collection Item, you will tap "Accept" to accept the gift; then you must tap "Gift Back" to send a Thank You gift.

Gifting Methods[]

There are several ways to send Gifts.  You can send Wish List gifts from the News Feed.  This shows you how recently the friend put the item on their list.  You can send any gift from the Friends tab; there are several ways to send from there.  In addition you can send an item that is Requested and is shown on the Gifts tab.  This is not exactly the same as a Gift but it will increase your friend’s inventory of that item.

The result of Sending via the News Feed is the same as sending via the Friends tab.  Your friend will receive the item in their Gift Box and they may send you a Thank You gift.  If you send a Collection Item, it counts towards your daily quota.

News Feed tab[]

Friends 2019 Bottom Tabs News Feed

News Feed bottom tab

The phrase “has asked for your help” means the friend has put the item on their Wish list.  You can see when they added it.  Sending a gift from here goes into their Gift Box the same as if you send it from the Friends tab.

Keep in mind that many players do not update their wish list every day, so if you gift only from the News Feed, you might be skipping some friends. It is recommended to primarily use the "Round of Gifting" method for sending Free gifts. The News Feed is helpful for deciding whether to send Collection Item gifts, which can also be sent during a "Round of Gifting" or to a specific friend.

For both Combining Elements and Collection Items, if the image on the News Feed tab has a brighter blue background, you can send it as a gift. If the background is darker blue, you cannot send it.

Combining Elements[]

If you have not sent a Free Gift to a friend in the last 24 hours, the image will have a brighter blue background. A darker blue background means that it is too soon to send a gift to that friend.

Gifting 2019 News Feed 1

News Feed - Can send Free gift

Tap the image and the gift will be sent immediately.  (not shown)

Then the background color will darken.

Gifting 2019 News Feed 2

News Feed - Cannot send Free gift

If you tap it, you will see this message:

Gifting 2019 Free gift limit

Collection Items[]

These gifts do come out of your inventory. There is a daily limit of 10 Collection Items per friend. If you have at least one of the item, and if you have not given 10 items to that friend, the background will be brighter blue.  Tap the item and it will tell you the item name, its collection name, and how many you have, and show you how many you have and whether you have completed the quest for the item.

Gifting 2019 News Feed 3

News Feed - Collection Item

After tapping the Collection Item in the News Feed:

If you have at least one, you can Send Gift or Cancel.  Closing the box with X is the same as canceling.

If you don’t have the item, the background is a darker shade of blue.  You can tap the item to learn more about it.  Tapping Show me will close the entire Friends section and return your Desktop and show you a picture where this item Can be found.  NOTE You might not be able to find the item in that picture: It depends on whether you have completed the quest for the item, and if you advanced the picture to a high-enough level.  You can learn more by searching Collections for the item.

If you do send a Collection Item via the News Feed, your inventory will decrease by one.  If your friend's Gift Box is full, they will not receive the item.  Checking your own Gift Box and checking how long ago your friend changed their wish list can help you determine whether they are likely to receive your gift.

Friends tab / Send Gifts screen[]

Friends 2019 Bottom Tabs

Friends bottom tab

For the Friend, tap Gift to open the Send Gifts screen.  To return to the Friends tab after sending gift(s) to one friend, tap the Friends bottom tab.  To return to the Desktop, tap the X in the upper right corner.

Free Gifts[]

On the Send Gifts screen, send any Wish List CE by tapping it.  Or, scroll through the “Send Gift” tab to choose another CE or a Special Item (such as a Ladybug.)  The Send Gifts buttons are blue, indicating that this option is available now.  Immediately after sending a Free gift, the bottom half of the screen will switch to Send a collection item.  There is no notification that your gift has been sent.

If the Send Gifts screen opens to "Send a Collection item", a Free Gift cannot be sent at this time.

Collection Items[]

In addition to sending a CE, Collection Item(s) can be sent.  Again, there is no notification that your gift has been sent.  Assume it will always come out of your inventory whether or not the friend receives it.

Notice there are horizontal scroll bars under CEs (Send Gift) and CIs (Send a Collection item.)  You may scroll or swipe through pages of gifts to find one that is not on the friend's wish list.  If there is an item that you like to give, note where the white scroll bar is relative to the bottom tabs.  That will give you a target to aim for next time.

To return to the Friends list, tap Friends at the bottom.  To return to the Desktop, tap the X in the upper right corner.

If the Gift button (under the Avatar) turns gray, this means you have sent the limit of 10 Collection Items to this friend in the last 24 hours.   If you tap the Gift button under a friend's avatar, and the Send Gifts screen opens to Send a collection item, this means that a free gift was sent within the last 24 hours, so this option is not available.  If you tap Send Gift (for Free gifts); you will see that all the Send Gift buttons are gray.  

Kayli has one CI on her Wish List.  I have 2 of this item.  If I want to send it, or if I’m not sure, I can tap it to see what it is and whether I have completed the quest for this item:

Gifting 2019 Confirm Send Collection Item 2

Even though I have two of these in my inventory, I have not “collected” the item, which means I haven’t completed the quest for this item.  I will Cancel.

After I have finished gifting Kayli, I can return to the main Friends screen by tapping the Friends bottom tab.

Round of Gifting[]

This method allows you to send all of your friends CE gifts quickly.  Instead of returning to the Friends tab and tapping Gift for another friend, you can stay on the Send Gifts screen for all of them.  This method takes two taps for most friends.  100 friends should take no more than 10 minutes on a relatively fast computer or tablet. You may send a Free gift to each friend, no matter how many friends you have.

On the Friends tab, set Sort by: dropdown box to one of the following:

  1. Recent interaction: This tends to prioritize players you have visited.
  2. Recent activity: This prioritizes players who are currently active in any G5 game, not necessarily SSHM. As players sign in, your list order and your position within the list can change. After the currently active players, players are sorted by most recent sign-in.
  3. Level: Sorts your friends from highest level down.
  4. Alphabetical order.

Tap Gift for the first friend (Top row, left). This opens the Send Gift window.

If CEs are shown in the bottom half of the window, you can send this friend a Free gift. If Collection Items are shown in the bottom half, you cannot send a Free gift at this time. Unless the Send Gift buttons for the Collection Items are gray, you can send a Collection Item now, if you wish.

Instead of returning to the Friends screen after gifting the first friend, move to the next friend by doing one of the following:

  1. Touchscreen or mouse: Tap the right arrow > to the right of their wish list. 
  2. Touchscreen: Swipe over the wish list, from right to left.
  3. Mouse: With the cursor over the top section of the screen, hold the left button and swipe from right to left.
  4. (Windows only): With the cursor over the top section of the screen, use your mouse's scroll wheel to scroll to the next friend.
  5. Trackpad: Swipe with two fingers. Depending on the OS, you might need to swipe horizontally or vertically.
Gifting 2019 Send Gifts Next Friend

Tap > to go to the next Friend

Example gifting session:

Depending on the exact timing and sort order of the friends, I can send gifts to all of them now.  

I have 78 friends that are playing SSHM with the new Friends system.  Using this method, I am able to send all of them Free gifts in less than 5 minutes; less than 4 seconds per friend (two taps for most).

Gifting 2019 Send Gifts not Updated

Friend has not Updated - Wish list is empty

When I get to my 79th friend, the wish list is empty.  This is because the old and new systems are not fully compatible.  The new system cannot see the wish list of any player who has not updated.  They might still be playing.  Even though the Friends list is sorted by “Interaction with me," once I have reached the friends who have not updated, the order means nothing.

Receiving Gifts / the Gifts tab[]

The Gifts bottom tab is for receiving gifts and not for sending regular gifts.  You can send Collection Items that have been Requested of you; see Requests.

To Accept a Free Gift (Combining Element or Special Item), tap the Accept button. You cannot send a Thank You for these and there is no need to tap anything else. The gifts will go into your inventory when you close the Friends screen with the X in the upper right corner.

To Accept a Collection Item gift and send a Thank you, tap Accept and then tap Gift Back. The Thank You gift will be sent when you close the Friends screen.

Rejecting a gift[]

If you do not wish to accept a gift, tap the X in the upper right corner of the gift window. Your friend will not receive a Thank You gift. They will not receive the gift back; it is simply lost.

About Sending Common/Low Level Collection Items[]

If you played SSHM with the old friends system for a while, you probably have quite a few of the collection items that used to be in the pool of Thank you gifts that you could receive from sending CEs. These items are from the Wisdom of the Library, Crowns of the World, A Set of Toy Soldiers, Stargazer's Artifacts, The Navigator's Secrets, Wild Rings, Psychic's Power, and Athlete's Equipment collections.

If you send any of these items, or any CI, you will receive a random CE in return. You may have friends that send you these collection items. They know this is how they can get more CEs. Unless you have exceeded your daily limit of 10 CIs per friends or 50 CIs for all friends, you might want to return the same or similar items to friends who send them to you, or "pay it forward" to other friends.

List of Free Gifts[]

Below is a list of all the Free Gifts currently available in the game. Free Gifts do not come out of your Inventory when you send them to Friends.

When you first start a new game, the only item that you can send as a Free gift to your friends is the Winding Key. As you increase your Game Level you will unlock more items that you can send as Free Gifts to your Friends. You can unlock an item earlier than the stated level by paying a once-off price with Crystals, after which that item will become available for you to send as Free Gifts.  

Starting in mid-2019, the game has been releasing a set of four themed Combining Elements with each update.  They become giftable with the next update.  

Important: None of these items come out of your Inventory when you send them as Gifts to your Friends.

Warning: While scrolling through the items in the Send Gift section of Friends, be very careful to not touch/tap/click "Unlock for x (crystals.)"  If you do, you will not be given a chance to confirm.  The crystals will immediately be deducted.  Items at a lower level will not be unlocked. 

Element Image Level Unlocked At Crystals Needed to Unlock Early
Winding Key
Winding Key
1 0
Silver Winding Key
Silver Winding Key
2 2
Gold Winding Key
Gold Winding Key
3 3
4 4
Steel Spring
Steel Spring
5 5
Second Hand
Second Hand
5 5
Spiral Spring
Spiral Spring
6 6
7 7
Bronze Gear
Bronze Gear
8 8
Antikythera Mechanism
Antikythera Mechanism
9 9
Minute Hand
Minute Hand
10 10
Photo Paper
Photo Paper
10 10
Developing Agent
Developing Agent
11 11
Wooden Pin
Wooden Pin
12 12
Red Lamp
Red Lamp
13 13
14 14
Hour Hand
Hour Hand
15 15
Drink Me Bottle
Drink Me Bottle
15 15
Eat Me Cake
Eat Me Cake
16 16
Rabbit's Waistcoat
Rabbits Waistcoat
17 17
Mad Hat
Mad Hat
18 18
Small Key
Small Key
19 19
Clock Face
Clock Face
20 20
Painted Rose
Painted Rose
20 20
20 20
21 21
Imitation Leather
Imitation Leather
22 22
23 23
Gold Foil
Gold Foil
24 24
25 25
25 25
Cupid's arrow
Cupids arrow
25 25
Decorative Corners
Decorative Corners
26 26
Satin Ribbons
Satin Ribbons
27 27
Treble Clef
Treble Clef
28 28
Bass Clef
Bass Clef
29 29
Alto Clef
Alto Clef
30 30
31 31
32 32
35 35
40 40
45 45
Dragon's claw
Dragon's claw
50 50
Mermaid scale
Mermaid Scale
55 55
Basilisk fang
Basilisk fang
60 60
60 60
Salamander tail
Salamander tail
65 65
Griffin feather
Griffin feather
70 70
Unicorn blood
Unicorns blood
75 75
80 80
80 80
85 85
87 87
90 90
95 95
Screw nut
Screw nut
100 100
Small screw
Small screw
105 105
110 110
Split washer
Split washer
115 115
120 120
Christmas stocking
Christmas Stocking
125 125
130 130
135 135
140 140
Needle Threader
Needle Threader
145 145
Seam Ripper
Seam Ripper
150 150
Presser Foot
Presser Foot
155 155
Dried fruits
Dried fruits
160 160
165 165
170 170
Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds
175 175
Sea Pebble
Sea Pebble
180 180
185 185
190 190
Sea Moss
Sea Moss
195 195
200 200
Amber Butterfly
Amber Butterfly
200 200
Wooden Anchor
Wooden Anchor
200 200
Garden Gnome
Garden Gnome
200 200
Wind-up Seahorse
Wind-up Seahorse
200 200
Wooden Fish
Wooden Fish
200 200
White Crocus
White Crocus
200 200
Symbol of Wisdom
Symbol of Wisdom
200 200
200 200
200 200
205 205
Azure Butterfly
Azure Butterfly
205 205
Silver Anchor
Silver Anchor
205 205
Gnome With Basket
Gnome With Basket
205 205
Wind-up Raven
Wind-up Raven
205 205
Porcelain Fish
Porcelain Fish
205 205
Pink Crocus
Pink Crocus
205 205
Symbol of Bravery
Symbol of Bravery
205 205
205 205
205 205
Wedding Envelope
Wedding Envelope
210 210
Amethyst Butterfly
Amethyst Butterfly
210 210
Golden Anchor
Golden Anchor
210 210
Gnome With Watering Can
Gnome With Watering Can
210 210
Wind-up Stallion
Wind-up Stallion
210 210
Silver Fish
Silver Fish
210 210
Pocket Mirror
Pocket Mirror
210 210
Yellow Crocus
Yellow Crocus
210 210
Symbol of Strength
Symbol of Strength
210 210
Water Lily
Water Lily
210 210
Tree of Life
Tree of Life
210 210
Wedding Ring Box
Wedding Ring Box
215 215
Colorful Butterfly
Colorful Butterfly
215 215
Decorated Anchor
Decorated Anchor
215 215
Gnome With Lantern
Gnome With Lantern
215 215
Wind-up Kitty
Wind-up Kitty
215 215
Golden Fish
Golden Fish
215 215
Silver Mirror
Silver Mirror
215 215
Purple Crocus
Purple Crocus
215 215
Symbol of Magic
Symbol of Magic
215 215
215 215
215 215
Oak Leaf
Oak Leaf
220 220
Dog Familiar
Dog Familiar
220 220
Wooden Camel
Wooden Camel
220 220
Bullfinch Ornament
Bullfinch Ornament
220 220
White Egg
White Egg
220 220
220 220
Golden Mirror
Golden Mirror
220 220
White Feather
White Feather
220 220
Deepwater Starfish
Deepwater Starfish
220 220
Snow Globe
Snow Globe
220 220
225 225
Fox Familiar
Fox Familiar
225 225
Stone Camel
Stone Camel
225 225
Penguin Ornament
Penguin Ornament
225 225
Decorative Egg
Decorative Egg
225 225
225 225
Precious Mirror
Precious Mirror
225 225
Azure Feather
Azure Feather
225 225
Enamel Starfish
Enamel Starfish
225 225
Fir Tree Globe
Fir Tree Globe
225 225
Hop Cone
Hop Cone
230 230
Bear Familiar
Bear Familiar
230 230
Silver Camel
Silver Camel
230 230
Snowman Ornament
Snowman Ornament
230 230
Precious Egg
Precious Egg
230 230
230 230
Blue Poinsettia
Blue Poinsettia
230 230
Golden Feather
Golden Feather
230 230
Golden Starfish
Golden Starfish
230 230
Snowman Globe
Snowman Globe
230 230
Wheat Spike
Wheat Spike
235 235
Tiger Familiar
Tiger Familiar
235 235
Golden Camel
Golden Camel
235 235
Kitty Ornament
Kitty Ornament
235 235
Unique Egg
Unique Egg
235 235
235 235
Scarlet Poinsettia
Scarlet Poinsettia
235 235
Magical Feather
Magical Feather
235 235
Precious Starfish
Precious Starfish
235 235
Santa Globe
Santa Globe
235 235
240 240
Deer Amulet
Deer Amulet
240 240
240 240
Cinema Novice's Award
Cinema Novice's Award
240 240
Pi Yao
Pi Yao
240 240
Enamel Bracelet
Enamel Bracelet
240 240
Bronze Fibula
Bronze Fibula
240 240
Silver Poinsettia
Silver Poinsettia
240 240
Winter Leaf
Winter Leaf
240 240
240 240
Garnet Ring
Garnet Ring
240 240
245 245
Eagle Amulet
Eagle Amulet
245 245
245 245
Cinema Lover's Award
Cinema Lover's Award
245 245
Three-legged Toad
Three-legged Toad
245 245
Silver Bracelet
Silver Bracelet
245 245
Silver Fibula
Silver Fibula
245 245
Golden Poinsettia
Golden Poinsettia
245 245
Spring Leaf
Spring Leaf
245 245
245 245
Garnet Bracelet
Garnet Bracelet
245 245
250 250
Bear Amulet
Bear Amulet
250 250
250 250
Cinema Expert's Award
Cinema Expert's Award
250 250
Mandarin Duck
Mandarin Duck
250 250
Decorated Bracelet
Decorated Bracelet
250 250
Golden Fibula
Golden Fibula
250 250
Turquoise Dragon
Turquoise Dragon
250 250
Summer Leaf
Summer Leaf
250 250
250 250
Garnet Pendant
Garnet Pendant
250 250
255 255
Wolf Amulet
Wolf Amulet
255 255
255 255
Cinema Master's Award
Cinema Master's Award
255 255
255 255
Precious Bracelet
Precious Bracelet
255 255
Precious Fibula
Precious Fibula
255 255
Red Dragon
Red Dragon
255 255
Autumn Leaf
Autumn Leaf
255 255
255 255
Garnet Brooch
Garnet Brooch
255 255
260 260
Stone Sphynx
Stone Sphynx
260 260
Chou Figurine
Chou Figurine
260 260
Craft Doll
Craft Doll
260 260
Novice Witch
Novice Witch
260 260
Azure Mask
Azure Mask
260 260
Spring Fairy
Spring Fairy
260 260
Wandering Spirit
Wandering Spirit
260 260
White Dragon
White Dragon
260 260
Wooden Amulet
Wooden Amulet
260 260
Ghost Charm
Ghost Charm
260 260
Lucky Coin
Lucky Coin
260 260
265 265
Bronze Sphynx
Bronze Sphynx
265 265
Dan Figurine
Dan Figurine
265 265
Rag Doll
Rag Doll
265 265
Voyager Witch
Voyager Witch
265 265
Decorated Mask
Decorated Mask
265 265
Summer Fairy
Summer Fairy
265 265
Ghost Maiden
Ghost Maiden
265 265
Green Dragon
Green Dragon
265 265
Silver Amulet
Silver Amulet
265 265
Spider Charm
Spider Charm
265 265
Jug of Silver
Jug of Silver
265 265
270 270
Silver Sphynx
Silver Sphynx
270 270
Jing Figurine
Jing Figurine
270 270
Porcelain Doll
Porcelain Doll
270 270
Mentor Witch
Mentor Witch
270 270
Golden Mask
Golden Mask
270 270
Autumn Fairy
Autumn Fairy
270 270
Ghost Lantern
Ghost Lantern
270 270
Wooden Elephant
Wooden Elephant
270 270
Golden Amulet
Golden Amulet
270 270
Cat Charm
Cat Charm
270 270
Pot of Gold
Pot of Gold
270 270
275 275
Golden Sphynx
Golden Sphynx
275 275
Sheng Figurine
Sheng Figurine
275 275
Peruvian Doll
Peruvian Doll
275 275
Supreme Witch
Supreme Witch
275 275
Carnival Mask
Carnival Mask
275 275
Winter Fairy
Winter Fairy
275 275
Ghost From the Mirror
Ghost From the Mirror
275 275
Marble Elephant
Marble Elephant
275 275
Enchanted Amulet
Enchanted Amulet
275 275
Jack-O'-Lantern Charm
Jack-O'-Lantern Charm
275 275
Pot of Jewels
Pot of Jewels
275 275
Jingle Bell
Jingle Bell
280 280
280 280
Toy Squirrel
Toy Squirrel
280 280
Silver Elephant
Silver Elephant
280 280
Candy Cane
Candy Cane
285 285
285 285
Toy Hare
Toy Hare
285 285
Golden Elephant
Golden Elephant
285 285
Elf's Hat
Elf's Hat
290 290
290 290
Toy Santa
Toy Santa
290 290
Confetti Jar
Confetti Jar
295 295
295 295
Toy Nutcracker
Toy Nutcracker
295 295
Wooden Calabash
Wooden Calabash
300 300
Amber Flower
Amber Flower
300 300
Stone Calabash
Stone Calabash
305 305
Amethyst Flower
Amethyst Flower
305 305
Silver Calabash
Silver Calabash
310 310
Ruby Flower
Ruby Flower
310 310
Golden Calabash
Golden Calabash
315 315
Golden Flower
Golden Flower
315 315
Fleece Mitten
Fleece Mitten
320 320
320 320
Yellow Corn
Yellow Corn
320 320
Wool Mitten
Wool Mitten
325 325
325 325
Multi-colored Corn
Multi-colored Corn
325 325
Lace Mitten
Lace Mitten
330 330
330 330
Kea Parrot
Kea Parrot
330 330
Red Corn
Red Corn
330 330
Fur Mitten
Fur Mitten
335 335
335 335
Red-fan Parrot
Red-fan Parrot
335 335
Black Corn
Black Corn
335 335
Cherry Kokeshi
Cherry Kokeshi
340 340
Embroidered Hand Fan
Embroidered Hand Fan
340 340
340 340
Chrysanthemum Kokeshi
Chrysanthemum Kokeshi
345 345
Lace Hand Fan
Lace Hand Fan
345 345
345 345
Camellia Kokeshi
Camellia Kokeshi
350 350
Silk Hand Fan
Silk Hand Fan
350 350
Plum Kokeshi
Plum Kokeshi
355 355
Golden Hand Fan
Golden Hand Fan
355 355
Wooden Bunny
Wooden Bunny
360 360
Stone Bunny
Stone Bunny
365 365
Porcelain Bunny
Porcelain Bunny
370 370
Golden Bunny
Golden Bunny
375 375

